Any seasoned dev should get a kick out of this list. For newer devs, a preview of what to look forward to.
Exiting vim for the first time.
Dependency hell. Often manifests itself through npm peer dependency conflicts that you have no control over, or Gradle dependencies seemingly not updating, when in reality they are being pulled from a cache you didn’t know about. Welcome to caching.
Mispronouncing ”cache”.
Saying “ess, queue, ell”.
Thinking everyone else is a bad programmer, and that you’re the only good one. Surely your “yaml as code” idea is the most sound solution (ahem, GitHub Actions), and this “dependency injection” nonsense is just a bunch of boilerplate overhead.
Thinking everyone else is a good programmer, and that you’re the only bad one. Welcome to imposter syndrome.
If you went to school for CS/software, being taught multiple inheritance, polymorphism, and recursion are practical solutions to everyday coding problems.
Realising the dev who just joined your team that you are training is being paid more than you out the gate.
These commands:
git rebase —-abort
git commit —-no-verify
git reset —-hard
Having to enter a password into a terminal and saying “wait it’s not letting me type”.
Sudden urge to move to Austin, TX and climb fake boulders in an indoor gym.
“What if we made a JavaScript framework to fix this?”
Thinking “what if I built a startup and got rich?”, then binging Y-Combinator talks.