

Canon Software Engineer Events

By Cameron Ball

  • Exiting vim for the first time.
  • Dependency hell. Often manifests itself through npm peer dependency conflicts that you have no control over, or Gradle dependencies seemingly not updating, when in reality they are being pulled from a cache you didn’t know about. Welcome to caching.
  • Mispronouncing ”cache”.
  • Saying “ess, queue, ell”.
  • Thinking everyone else is a bad programmer, and that you’re the only good one. Surely your “yaml as code” idea is the most sound solution (ahem, GitHub Actions), and this “dependency injection” nonsense is just a bunch of boilerplate overhead.
  • Thinking everyone else is a good programmer, and that you’re the only bad one. Welcome to imposter syndrome.
  • If you went to school for CS/software, being taught multiple inheritance, polymorphism, and recursion are practical solutions to everyday coding problems.
  • Realising the dev who just joined your team that you are training is being paid more than you out the gate.
  • These commands:
    • git rebase —-abort
    • git commit —-no-verify
    • git reset —-hard
  • Having to enter a password into a terminal and saying “wait it’s not letting me type”.
  • Sudden urge to move to Austin, TX and climb fake boulders in an indoor gym.
  • “What if we made a JavaScript framework to fix this?”
  • Thinking “what if I built a startup and got rich?”, then binging Y-Combinator talks.
  • ”I’m a literal genius.”
  • “I’m an actual idiot.”
  • Segmentation fault (core dumped)